the piano

the piano

“The Pianist of Willesden Lane” at 59E59 Theaters (Closed Sunday August 24, 2014)

August 1, 2014 | harmony, Off-Broadway, the piano > | Tags:

“Through the way where hope is guiding,/Hark, what peaceful music rings;/Where the flock, in Thee confiding,/Drink of joy from deathless springs.” – “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” (Words by Martin Janus) Mona Golabek’s “The Pianist of Willesden Lane” is an extraordinary Master Class in the resilience and healing of memory, the power of storytelling, and the enduring mystery of the…

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“Arlington” at the Vineyard Theatre (Closed Sunday March 23, 2014)

March 4, 2014 | Off-Broadway, the piano > | Tags:

Channeling a more introspective and agonized June Cleaver, Sara Jane (Alexandra Silber) has an on-the-surface pleasant dialogue with all that is beyond theatre’s conventional fourth wall. In “Arlington,” currently playing at the Vineyard Theatre, that includes directly engaging the audience and the Pianist (Ben Moss) who appears behind an upstage scrim and not only accompanies Sara Jane’s non-stop singing but…

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“Devin Bing and the Secret Service” at the Metropolitan Room

April 11, 2013 | Cabaret, the piano > | Tags:

Devin Bing is on a journey to success. It is important for this delightful and talented crooner to decide soon which “road” will be the best choice for him. His engaging appearance at the Metropolitan Room on Sunday April 7, 2013 suggests at least three important choices that might need to be made. Mr. Bing has a pleasant jazz-blues-rock voice…

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